Player Requests Procedures


A 'non-standard race' is any race that is not Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Gnome or Half-Orc. You can find the full writeup on non-standard races and their request procedures HERE. Please request non-standard races via as new races require administrator consideration as to how to implement and support them if you are the first to apply for one.


We currently have 15 locked classes. The full list and reasons why they were locked can be found at the bottom of the post linked HERE. Please submit requests to .


We currently offer Vampire and Werewolf as template 'races' that apply on top of your current character. These are very powerful but have strong balancing factors that, in some cases, may not even make the benefits worth it. These templates should be sought for their roleplay and nothing else and they are processed by our most stringent application process possible, and there is no going back. If you still wish to apply for one of these templates, please send an email to and provide as much information as possible.


Language tokens can be requested from some DMs (not all of them take on administrative responsibilities) or Administrators. Here is a summary of how languages are distributed:

Default racial languages for default NWN races usually just 'work' by starting to speak within [ ] brackets. If this does not work, please see the list of racial languages that your race is entitled to HERE, especially The "D&D Rule" section if you are playing a non-standard race.

Some languages are class based. They are: Druidic (Druids), Animal (Druids, Werewolves, Shifters, Rangers with 15 levels or more in the class), Thieves' Cant (Rogues, Assassins with 5 levels or more in the class). These languages cannot be re-taught as they are considered part of the training inherent in their associated classes.

Players may request a number of 'background' languages equal to their int mod at character creation. Several languages require an incredibly good roleplay reason to know, or are simply not knowable as a background language. Racial languages requested at creation do NOT count against your int mod choices. The list and caveats of racial language requesting can be found HERE.

Players may learn languages from other players, but this is a heavy roleplay investment and we take it very seriously. In the past this roleplay has taken months of time and a great deal of dedication. Attempting to rush or circumvent this process is frowned upon and will not get you a free rare language. Also, some languages are only learnable from their native speakers. The full list of this information and all its caveats are in the server rules HERE, in the 'REQUESTING LANGUAGES' and 'LEARNING NEW LANGUAGES' sections near the end.

Secret gesture 'languages' are offered only, not requested.


We currently have only two permission based feats: Devastating Critical and Spellfire Wielder. The full list of reasons and limitations can be found in the server rules HERE in the 'Permission Based Feats' section. If you meet the requirements listed in the server rules, please contact the Administrative team for either feat. Forum PM or use of the DM channel in-game when either of us are on as a DM are the ideal forms of contact.


Information and costs regarding roleplay token spending can be found HERE.

All custom token item requests (either sending physical .erf files, or sending stats and information for us to make them if you are not toolset savvy) can be sent to for ease of recording imports. Once imported, you will be notified that they are ready for pickup and any DM can retrieve them from the box and exchange your tokens for them.

If you require a count of your tokens from 2.0 (or 1.0, if you did not play 2.0), please let us know by posting in the token count thread, making a new thread, or emailing with your account name.

It is also possible to spend roleplay tokens on housing, please see the housing section below.


There are roughly three categories of player housing: generic houses, building your own house, and having a house built for you:

Most major cities will have generic housing available and already in game that simply required a gold cost (these are not yet settled and are likely going to be handled on the fly for now). During beta not all cities will have generic housing, but it is an ongoing goal. Not all houses will be sold to any character, I.E., obviously an evil drow will not be permitted to buy a house in Treetop. This housing may not be held if the player who purchases it goes inactive for an extremely long time and it is in demand; we will be tracking who owns what house, but months or years of inexplicable inactivity will lose you your house and the contents of your personal chest.

If you or a friend builds a house, it does not have a roleplay token cost but will likely have a high gold cost to represent the in game construction. Please see the custom token post HERE for building standards under the 'Custom House Interiors" section. Feel free to PM Chaszmyr or email with any questions. Unreasonably located houses will be denied.

Having a house built for you by our build team follows the same standards as above but currently costs 90 tokens and depends on builder workload and such. If you want one, please contact us and let us know what you are looking for.


Some new content (mostly PRC content) is available only on level 1 (E.G. Dragon Blooded), or you may simply want it on level 1 (E.G. base classes). Due to an engine limitation, this information is not loaded at creation and must be handled by an external generator. Please submit all requests to and give us as much detail and reasoning as you feel is warranted for the request.


Any character editing is done via LETO. It is hard to convey what is available via LETO, but it is mostly fixes and updating character information such as character names and such. Please email with all relevant information.


We take guilds very seriously. All that can be said is that a full administrator discussion is needed and the best way to create a new guild is to simply roleplay it, get people interested and await contact offering you full guild support. If you wish to send us information on roleplay direction and such, you are encouraged to do so by emailing all relevant writeup and information and member lists to and we will take that into consideration.


The best fallback for any requests not covered here is always emailing and giving us as much information as possible on whatever you would like to request.